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DICTIONNAIRE Arménien occidental-Anglais

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Mot Arménien occidental - Հայերէն բառ:

Veuillez saisir un mot ! - Հաճեցէ՛ք բառ մը գրել

554 / 19914 mots
Arménien occidental - Հայերէն
Translittération phonétique
Հնչաբանական տառադարձութիւն
Anglais - Անգլերէն
յ Յ (գ.)h Ytwenty-first letter of the Armenian alphabet, consonant, numerical value 300 n.
յաբեթական (ած.)hapetaganJaphetic, Japhethite, pertaining to European, Caucasian, Armenian adj.
յաբեթական (ած.)hapetagan Japhetic, Japhethite, pertaining to European, Caucasian, Armenian adj.
յաբեթեան (ած.)hapetianJaphetic, Japhethite, pertaining to European, Caucasian, Armenian adj.
յաբեթեան (ած.)hapetian Japhetic, Japhethite, pertaining to European, Caucasian, Armenian adj.
յագենալ (բայ)hakenalto get sated, to get satiated, to get saturated, to eat to one's fill, to drink to one's fill, to take to one's fill v.
յագեցնել (բայ)hakeTs’nelTo sate, to satiate, to cloy, to surfeit v.
յագեցութիւն (գ.)hakeTsootyoon Satiety, surfeit, fullness, repletion, saturation n.
յագեցում (գ.)hakeTsoomSatiety, surfeit, fullness, repletion, saturation n.
յագութիւն (գ.)hakootyoonSatiety, being satiated, glutting, satisfaction, satiation, surfeit n.
Յագում (գ.)Yakoom Satiety, being satiated, glutting, satisfaction, satiation, surfeit n.
յագուրդ (գ.)hakoortSatiety, being satiated, glutting, satisfaction, satiation, surfeit n.
յախճապակի (գ.)haKhDjabagiPorcelain, chinaware n.
յախուռն (ած.)haKhooRn1) audacious, hardy, rash, imprudent,
2) venturesome, overhasty adj.
յածանաւ (գ.)haDzanavCruiser n.
յածանք (գ.)haDzankabstraction, wandering, pastime n.
յածիլ (բայ)haDzilTo go over, to roam, to rove, to stroll, to ramble, to wander, to promenade v.
յածում (գ.)haDzoomstroll, walk, idling, dawdling n.
յակինթ (գ.)hagintRuby n.
յակուրջի (գ.)hagoorChiSee-saw, swing n.
յաղագս (նխդր.)haGhaksFor, on behalf of, in favour of prep.
յաղթ (ած.)haGhtGreat, grand, enormous, large, huge, gigantic, colossal adj.
յաղթաբազուկ (ած.)haGhtapazoogRobust, vigorous, sturdy, hardy, strong-armed adj.
յաղթաթուղթ (գ.)haGhtatooGhtChance, trumpcard n.
յաղթակամար (գ.)haGhtagamarTriumphal arch n.
յաղթական (գ.)haGhtagantriumpher, conqueror, overcomer, vanquisher, victor, subduer n.
յաղթական (մկբ.)haGhtagantriumphantly adv.
յաղթահասակ (ած.)haGhtahasagGigantic, colossal, corpulent adj.
յաղթահարել (բայ)haGhtaharelTo overcome, to vanquish, to subdue, to conquer, to beat, to knock down, to throw to the ground v.
յաղթահարուիլ (բայ)haGhtaharvilto be defeated, to be vanquished, to be conquered, to be beaten, to be overcome, to be subdued v.
յաղթահարում (գ.)haGhtaharoom1) defeat, triumph, victory (over),
2) overcoming, surmounting n.
յաղթամարմին (ած.)haGhtamarmin1) Corpulent, stout,
2) robust, big adj.
յաղթանակ (գ.)haGhtanag1) Triumph, victory, trophy, laurels,
2) palm n.
յաղթանակել (բայ)haGhtanagelTo triumph, to win the victory, to have the advantage, to surpass, to preponderate v.
յաղթանդամ (ած.)haGhtantamHeavy, strong, stout, gigantic adj.
յաղթել (բայ)haGhtelTo overcome, to vanquish, to conquer, to excel, to subdue, to subjugate, to surpass v.
յաղթերգ (գ.)haGhterkPaean, song of triumph, triumphal song, epinicion n.
յաղթութիւն (գ.)haGhtootyoonVictory, triumph, conquest, success, state of joy at success n.
յաղթուիլ (բայ)haGhtvilTo be conquered, to yield, to be vanquished, to retreat v.
յաճախ (մկբ.)haDjaKh1) Often, frequently,
2) once and again,
3)adjective frequent, very often, incessant, full, continual adv.
յաճախադէպ (ած.)haDjaKhateboften, frequent, time and again adj.
յաճախակի (մկբ.)haDjaKhagiTime and again adj.
յաճախանք (գ.)haDjaKhankobsession, idée fixe, haunting thought n.
յաճախապատում (ած.)haDjaKhabadoomloquacious adj.
յաճախավայր (գ.)haDjaKhavayrhaunt n.
յաճախել (բայ)haDjaKhelTo frequent, to resort to, to haunt, to do often, to visit often, to redouble, to augment v.
յաճախորդ (գ.)haDjaKhortCustomer, client n.
յաճախորդութիւն (գ.)haDjaKhortootyoonCliency, clientage, customers, custom, business n.
յաճախութիւն (գ.)haDjaKhootyoonFrequency n.
յաճախում (գ.)haDjaKhoomFrequenting, frequentation n.
յամ (գ.)hamDelay, extention of time n.
յամայր (մկբ.)hamayrLong, a long while adj.
յամառ (մկբ.)hamaR1) stubbornly, obstinately, eadstrongly, tenaciously,
2) sullenly adv.
յամառիլ (բայ)hamaRilTo become stubborn, to be obstinate, to stand to v.
յամառութիւն (գ.)hamaRootyoonObstinacy, stubbornness, tenacity, infatuation, desperation n.
յամել (բայ)hamel To delay, to retard, to defer, to put off, to wait for, to stay for v.
յամենալ (բայ)hamenalTo delay, to retard, to defer, to put off, to wait for, to stay for v.
յամոյր (գ.)hamooyrantelope, gazelle, wild goat n.
յամուրդ (գ.)hamoortdelay, prolongation, retardment, lateness, slowness n.
յամուրդ (գ.)hamoortdelay, prolongation, retardment, lateness, slowness n.
յամր (ած.)hamr1) Slow, tardy, easy going, remiss,
2)adv Slowly, softly, tenderly, leisurely(mus) Lento adj.
յամրանալ (բայ)hamranalTo slacken pace, to relax, to diminish v.
յամրաշարժ (ած.)hamraSharZhTardy, slow-moving, tardigrade adj.
յամրաքայլ (ած.)hamrakaylslow-paced, slowly, with slow steps adj.
յամրութիւն (գ.)hamrootyoon1) Slowness, tardiness delay,
2) idleness n.
յամրօրէն (մկբ.)hamrorenslowly, sluggishly, deliberately adv.
յայտ (ած.)haydEvident, clear, manifest, plain, obvious adj.
յայտ (գ.)haydEvident, clear, manifest, plain, obvious adj.
յայտագիր (գ.)haydakirProgramme, program n.
յայտարար (ած.)haydarar1) Declaratory, distinctive,
2)n Denominator adj.
յայտարար (գ.)haydarar1) Declaratory, distinctive,
2)n Denominator adj.
յայտարարել (բայ)haydararelTo declare v.
յայտարարութիւն (գ.)haydararootyoonDeclaration, advertisement, notification, statement of account, manifest, prospectus, proclamation n.
յայտնաբերել (բայ)haydnaperelto discover, to find, to detect, to discern, to locate, to reveal v.
յայտնագործութիւն (գ.)haydnakorDzootyoondiscovery, revealing n.
յայտնապէս (մկբ.)haydnabesClearly, plainly, distinctly, evidently, publicly, manifestly, openly adv.
յայտնատեսութիւն (գ.)haydnadyesootyoonIntuition, immediate perception n.
յայտնել (բայ)haydnelTo reveal, to declare, to manifest, to expose, to express, to explain, to notify, to signify, to make evident v.
յայտնի (ած.)haydniEvident, manifest, clear, explicit, obvious, apparent, visible adj.
յայտնութիւն (գ.)haydnootyoonManifestation, evidence, enunciation, revelation, disclosure, epiphany, apocalypse n.
յայրատ (ած.)hayradLascivious, obscene, lecherous, lewd, unchaste, immodest adj.
յայրատութիւն (գ.)hayradootyoonLasciviousness, lewdness, lust, impudence, lustfulness, immodesty, effrontery n.
յանգ (գ.)hank1) Term, termination, finish, end, cadence, completion, finishing,
2) rhyme n.
յանգարան (գ.)hankaranrhyme dictionary n.
յանգաւար (ած.)hankavarrhymed adj.
յանգել (բայ)hankel To finish, to terminate, to rhyme to complete, to end v.
յանգեցնել (բայ)hankeTs’nelTo finish, to terminate, to rhyme to complete, to end v.
յանգիլ (բայ)hankilTo end, to come to an end, to terminate, to finish v.
յանգում (գ.)hankoomissue, outcome, result, ending, termination, conclusion, effect, materialization n.
յանդգնիլ (բայ)hantk’nilTo dare, to venture, to adventure, to be bold enough v.
յանդգնութիւն (գ.)hantk’nootyoonRashness, boldness, audacity, temerity, audaciousness, arrogance n.
յանդիման (մկբ.)hantimanbefore, opposite adv.
յանդիմանական (ած.)hantimanaganReprimanding, expressing reproach, reprehensive adj.
յանդիմանել (բայ)hantimanelTo scold, to chide, to reprimand, to reproach v.
յանդիմանութիւն (գ.)hantimanootyoonReproach, scolding, chiding, reprimand, reproof, rebuke, remonstrance, admonition n.
յանդուգն (ած.)hantuk’naudacious, venturous, rash, determined, adventurous, hardy, resolute(mus) ardito adj.
յանկարծ (մկբ.)hangarDzat once, all at once, suddenly, unexpectedly, unawares adv.
յանկարծադէպ (ած.)hangarDzatebUnexpected, unforeseen, unhoped(mus) accidente adj.
յանկարծական (ած.)hangarDzagan1) Sudden, unexpected, unthought of, unlooked for, fortuitous,
2)(mus) Attacca subito adj.
յանկարծամահ (ած.)hangarDzamahSudden, unexpected death, dead suddenly n.
յանկարծամահ (գ.)hangarDzamahSudden, unexpected death, dead suddenly n.
յանկերգ (գ.)hangerkSlogan, constant theme n.
յանկուցիչ (ած.)hangooTsiChattractive, engaging, captivating, seductive, winning, charming adj.
յանձանձել (բայ)hanTsanTselTo look after, to take care of, to attend, to be careful of v.
յանձանձում (գ.)hanTsanTsoomManagement, administration n.
յանձնաժողով (գ.)hanTsnaZhoGhovCommission, committee n.
յանձնախումբ (գ.)hanTsnaKhoompCommittee, board n.
յանձնակատար (գ.)hanTsnagadarCommissioner, commissary, mandatory, commission agent, factor, agent, acting agent n.
յանձնապաստան (ած.)hanTsnabasdanSelf-confident, presumptuous adj.
յանձնապաստանութիւն (գ.)hanTsnabasdanootyoonPresumption, self-confidence, audacity, arrogance n.
յանձնառու (ած.)hanTsnaRoo(one) engaged, involved, pledged, committed, under obligation adj.
յանձնառութիւն (գ.)hanTsnaRootyoonEngagement, undertaking n.
յանձնարարագիր (գ.)hanTsnararakirLetter of recommendation n.
յանձնարարարութիւն (գ.)hanTsnarararootyoonrecommendation, commission, mission, errand, assignment, charge, warrant, injunction, instruction n.
յանձնարարել (բայ)hanTsnararelTo commend, to recommend, to commission, to commit v.
յանձնարարուիլ (բայ)hanTsnararvilto be recommended, to be commissioned, to be assigned, to be instructed on an errand v.
յանձնել (բայ)hanTsnelTo command, to order, to surrender, to confide, to intrust, to remit, to deliver v.
յանձնուիլ (բայ)hanTsn’vilto give, to deliver, to hand oneself up over, to yield, to surrender, to indulge in, to resign (in chess) v.
յանձնում (գ.)hanTsnoom1) Delivery,
2) giving up, remission, remittance, consignment, abandonment n.
յանց (գ.)hanTs1) Fault, transgression, offence, sin,
2) crime n.
յանցանք (գ.)hanTsankfault, mistake, defect, error, blunder, sin, crime, wrong, offence, misdeed, transgression, lapse, indiscretion, guilt, culpability, felony n.
յանցանք (գ.)hanTsankfault, mistake, defect, error, blunder, sin, crime, wrong, offence, misdeed, transgression, lapse, indiscretion, guilt, culpability, felony n.
յանցապարտ (ած.)hanTsabard1) Guilty, culpable, culprit,
2) criminal n.
յանցապարտութիւն (գ.)hanTsabardootyoonCulpability, guiltiness n.
յանցաւոր (ած.)hanTsavorfaulty, defective, guilty, culpable, criminal, felonious adj.
յանցաւոր (ած.)hanTsavorfaulty, defective, guilty, culpable, criminal, felonious adj.
յանցաւորութիւն (գ.)hanTsavorootyoonCulpability, guiltiness, faultiness n.
յաշտ (գ.)haShdSacrifice given to idols, oblation n.
յաչաղանք (գ.)haChaGhankMalevolence, envy, jealousy, evil eye n.
յաչաղել (բայ)haChaGhelTo be jealous of, to envy v.
յաչաղկոտ (ած.)haChaGhgodJealous, envious, desirous adj.
յապաղիլ (բայ)habaGhilTo delay, to be late, to be long, to temporize v.
յապաղում (գ.)habaGhoomDelay, retardment, procrastination, adjournment, prorogation, extension of time n.
յապաւել (բայ)habavelTo castrate, to mutilate, to prune, to retrench, to curtail, to take off, to cut off, to abridge v.
յապաւում (գ.)habavoom1) Mutilation,
2) suppression, abridging n.
յաջող (ած.)haChoGhProsperous, propitious, favourable, capable, advantageous adj.
յաջողակ (ած.)haChoGhag1) adroit, dexterous, able, clever, skillful,
2) expert adj.
յաջողիլ (բայ)haChoGhilTo succeed, to prosper, to have success, to be successful v.
յաջողուած (գ.)haChoGh’vaDz Success, successfulness, prosperity, welfare, good luck or fortune n.
յաջողութիւն (գ.)haChoGhootyoonSuccess, successfulness, prosperity, welfare, good luck or fortune n.
յաջողցնել (բայ)haChoGhTs’nelto realize, to make a success of, to bring (it) off v.
յաջորդաբար (մկբ.)haChortapar1) Successively, consecutively, on end,
2) off the reel adv.
յաջորդականութիւն (գ.)haChortaganootyoonRight of succession n.
յաջորդել (բայ)haChortelTo succeed, to follow v.
յաջորդութիւն (գ.)haChortootyoonSuccession, continuation, sequency, order, series, rest, the rest, those that follow, consequence n.
յառաջ (մկբ)haRaChOnward, forward, on adv.
յառաջ (նխդր.)haRaChOnward, forward, on adv.
յառաջաբան (գ.)haRaChapanPreface, introduction, preamble, exordium, prologue, prelude n.
յառաջագոյն (ած.)haRaChakooynBefore hand, before, previously, precedently, formerly, heretofore, anterior adv.
յառաջադէմ (ած.)haRaChatemadvanced, progressive adj.
յառաջանալ (բայ)haRaChanalTo advance, to proceed, to go forward, to get along v.
յառաջապահ (ած.)haRaChabahadvanced guard, vanguard, out post n.
յառաջդիմական (գ.)haRaChtimaganprogressive n.
յառաջդիմական (ած.)haRaChtimaganprogressive, advanced adj.
յառաջդիմել (բայ)haRaChtimelTo precede, to forego, to advance, to get before, to march on, to proceed v.
յառաջդիմութիւն (գ.)haRaChtimootyoonadvance n.
յառաջել (բայ)haRaChelTo precede, to forego, to advance, to get before, to march on, to proceed v.
յառաջիկայ (ած.)haRaChigaynext, pending, immediate, ahead, coming, future adj.
յառաջխաղացք (գ.)haRaChKhaGhaTskadvance(ment), progress(ion), lead, moving forward, (military) attack, offensive n.
յառել (բայ)haRelTo fasten, to fix, to attach, to push in v.
յառնել (բայ)haRnelTo ascend, to rise, to arise, to mount, to get up, to rise from the dead v.
յառում (գ.)haRoom1) adherence, fixing, fastening, attachment,
2) gazing, stare n.
յասմիկ (գ.)hasmigJasmin of poetry, white flowered jasmine n.
յասպիս (գ.)hasbisJasper n.
յատակ (գ.)hadagBottom, ground, pavement, base, bed n.
յատակագիծ (գ.)hadagakiDz1) Plan,
2) scheme, project n.
յատկաբանութիւն (գ.)hadgapanootyoon1) Idiom,
2) idiotism n.
յատկանիշ (գ.)hadganiShCharacteristics, character, sign, mark n.
յատկանշել (բայ)hadganShelto characterize, to particularize, to distinguish, to mark v.
յատկապէս (մկբ.)hadgabesParticularly, especially adv.
յատկացնել (բայ)hadgaTs’nelTo appropriate, to adapt, to fit v.
յատկացում (գ.)hadgaTsoomallocation, allowance, appropriation n.
յատկացուցիչ (գ.)hadgaTsooTsiCh1) appropriator,
2) substantive n.
յատկութիւն (գ.)hadgootyoon1) Property, quality,
2) qualification, peculiarity, particularity n.
յատոց (գ.)hadoTsHedge knife, billhook, hedge bill n.
յատուկ (ած.)hadoogOwn, proper, peculiar, special, natural, qualified, especial, specific, characteristic, singular, alone of its kind adj.
յարաբերական (ած.)haraperaganRelative adj.
յարաբերեալ (գ.)haraperyalantecedent, preceding n.
յարաբերիլ (բայ)haraperil1) to have a relationship with, to concern,
2) to have intercourse with v.
յարաբերութիւն (գ.)haraperootyoonRelation, connexion, communication, analogy n.
յարադաշնակ (գ.)harataShnagHarpsichord, clavecin n.
յարադիր (ած.)haratiradjacent, bordering upon adj.
յարադրեալ (ած.)haratryalapplied to, affixed to adj.
յարադրեալ (գ.)haratryalApplied to, affixed to adj.
յարադրել (բայ)haratrelTo apply, to stick, to insert, to affix v.
յարաժամ (մկբ.)haraZhamall the time, always, ever, assiduous, continuous, forever, evermore, continually adv.
յարալէզ (գ.)haralez1) Bloodsucker, vampire,
2) always licking n.
յարակայ (ած.)haragayPermanent, stable, lasting adj.
յարակայութիւն (գ.)haragayootyoonpermanence, perpetuity n.
յարակատար (գ.)haragadar1) aorist,
2) preterperfect n.
յարակարծային (ած.)haragarDzayinparadox(ic)al, contradictory adj.
յարակարծիք (գ.)haragarDzikParadox n.
յարակարծօրէն (մկբ.)haragarDzorenparadoxically adv.
յարակից (ած.)haragiTsadjoining, coherent, connected, joined, appurtenance, accessory, additional, connnected adj.
յարակցել (բայ)haragTselto affix, to append, to conjoin, to unite v.
յարակցիլ (բայ)haragTsil1) To adhere,
2)v to conjoin, to unite together v.
յարակցութիւն (գ.)haragTsootyoonCohesion, coherency, connexion, juxtaposition, contingence, affinity n.
յարաճուն (ած.)haraDjooncoercive, increasing, constant growing, progressing, gaining adj.
յարանուանական (գ.)haran’vanagandenominationalist n.
յարանուանութիւն (գ.)haran’vanootyoon1) Denomination, paronomasia, the act of designating,
2) a sect n.
յարանուն (գ.)haranoonparonym n.
յարանունութիւն (գ.)haranoonootyoon 1) Denomination, paronomasia, the act of designating,
2) a sect n.
յարաշարժ (ած.)haraSharZhalways in motion, inconstant adj.
յարասել (բայ)haraselTo paraphrase v.
յարասութիւն (գ.)harasootyoonParaphrase n.
յարատեւ (ած.)haradyevPerseverant, perpetual, firm, persevering, steady, resolute adj.
յարատեւ (մկբ.)haradyevPerseverant, perpetual, firm, persevering, steady, resolute adj.
յարատեւական (ած.)haradevaganPerseverant, perpetual, firm, persevering, steady, resolute adj.
յարատեւել (բայ)haradevelTo persevere, to be steadfast, to persist, to stand to v.
յարատեւութիւն (գ.)haradevootyoonPerseverence, assiduity n.
յարացոյց (գ.)haraTsooyTs1) Paradigm,
2) ideal,
3) example n.
յարափոփոխ (ած.)harapopoKhEver-changing, inconstant, continually changing adj.
յարգ (գ.)harkCost, value, worth, estimation, price, esteem, credit, merit, title n.
յարգանք (գ.)harkankRespect, veneration, regard, consideration, deference, compliment, esteem n.
յարգել (բայ)harkelTo venerate, to respect, to honour, to appreciate, to estimate v.
յարգելի (ած.)harkeliVenerable, esteemable, estimable adj.
յարգի (ած.)harki1) Estimable, respectable, honourable, precious,
2) good, reverend adj.
յարգոյ (ած.)harko 1) Estimable, respectable, honourable, precious,
2) good, reverend adj.
յարգութիւն (գ.)harkootyoonVeneration, respect, regard n.
յարդ (գ.)hart1) Order, arrangement, adjustment,
2) n.
յարդալից (ած.)hartaliTsFull of straw, packed in straw adj.
յարդանոց (գ.)hartanoTsFarmyard, straw yard n.
յարդարել (բայ)hartarelTo fit up, to put, to set in order, to arrange, to adjust, to prepare, to make up, to fashion, to adorn, to dispose, to acco v.
յարդարիչ (ած.)hartariChadapter, adjuster, arranger, finisher n.
յարդարիչ (գ.)hartariChAdapter, adjuster, arranger, finisher n.
յարդարող (գ.)hartaroGh adapter, adjuster, arranger, finisher n.
յարդարում (գ.)hartaroomFitting up, dressing, adjustment, arrangement n.
յարդգող (գ.)hart’koGhThe milky way n.
յարել (բայ)harelTo attach, to join, to adjoin, to fix together, to connect v.
յարերգութիւն (գ.)harerkootyoonParody n.
յարիլ (բայ)harilTo attach, to hold to, to fasten on, to be joined, to adhere, to be fixed, to have an affection for, to interest oneself in v.
յարիր (ած.)harirconsonant, in conformity, corresponding, consistent with, fit(ting), suitable, proper adj.
յարկ (գ.)hargFloor, roof, roofing, panelling, story n.
յարկաբաժին (գ.)hargapaZhinFlat, floor n.
յարձակիլ (բայ)harTsagilTo dart, to dash, to rush, to bound v.
յարձակող (ած.)harTsagoGhassailant, attacker, aggressor, stormer n.
յարձակող (գ.)harTsagoGhAssailant, attacker, aggressor, stormer n.
յարձակում (գ.)harTsagoom1) attack, assault,
2) offensive,
3) invasion,
4) aggression n.
յարմար (ած.)harmarProper, convenient, suitable, fit, apt, well timed adj.
յարմարիլ (բայ)harmaril1) to be fit(ting), to be suitable, to be proper,
2) to adapt, to adjust, to conform, to accommodate, to match, to agree, to get accustomed v.
յարմարութիւն (գ.)harmarootyoonaptitude, adjustment, convenience, harmony, proportion, accord, disposition n.
յարմարում (գ.)harmaroom aptitude, adjustment, convenience, harmony, proportion, accord, disposition n.
յարութիւն (գ.)harootyoonresurrection, revival n.
յարում (գ.)haroom1) adhesion, adherence, accession,
2) propensity, penchant, bias, inclination n.
յարուցանել (բայ)harooTsanelTo resuscitate, to raise from the dead, to restore to life v.
յաւակնիլ (բայ)havag’nilTo dare, to pretend, to claim, to assume v.
յաւակնող (ած.)havag’noGhpretentious, affected, arrogant, assuming adj.
յաւակնոտ (ած.)havag’nodassuming, arrogant, pretentious, affected, haughty, overbearing adj.
յաւակնութիւն (գ.)havag’nootyoonPretention, claim, wish, expectation, self-conceit n.
յաւելուած (գ.)havel’vaDzaddition, supplement n.
յաւելուածական (ած.)havelvaDzaganadditional, supplementary, accessional, extra, supplemental adj.
յաւելում (գ.)haveloomaddition, augmentation n.
յաւերժ (մկբ.)haverZhPerpetually, eternally adv.
յաւերժական (ած.)haverZhaganPerpetual, eternal adj.
յաւերժահարս (գ.)haverZhaharsBride, wife, daughter-in-law n.
յաւերժանալ (բայ)haverZhanalTo be perpetuated, to be rendered eternal v.
յաւերժացնել (բայ)haverZhaTs’nelTo eternize, to perpetuate, to immortalize v.
յաւերժութիւն (գ.)haverZhootyoonEternity n.
յաւէտ (ած.)havedalways, eternal, everlasting, perpetual, endless adj.
յաւէրժանալ (բայ)haverZhanal To be perpetuated, to be rendered eternal v.
յաւիտեան (մկբ.)havidianEternally, forever adv.
յաւիտենական (ած.)havidenaganEternal, perpetual, without end adj.
յաւիտենականութիւն (գ.)havidenaganootyoonEternity n.
յափափանք (գ.)hapapankravage, despoilment, abduction, kidnap n.
յափափել (բայ)hapapelto ravage, to despoil, to abduct, to kidnap v.
յափափում (գ.)hapapoomravage, despoilment, abduction, kidnap n.
յափշտակել (բայ)hap’ShdagelTo seize, to ravish, to snatch, to accroach, to plunder, to carry off by force, to bear off, to usurp, to rob, to pillage v.
յափշտակութիւն (գ.)hap’Shdagootyoon1) Rape, rapine,
2) transport, trance, rapture, exstasy, ravage, depredation,
3) usurpation, pillage, rapine, kidnapping, robbery, plun n.
յափշտակում (գ.)hap’Shdagoom1) pillage, ravage, loot, plunder,
2) rapture, transport, trance, ecstasy, captivation n.
յափսիթերս (մկբ.)hapsiterson four legs, on all fours, on hands and feet adv.
յափրանալ (բայ)hapranalto become sat(iat)ed, to become glutted v.
յափրանք (գ.)haprank1) Satiety, surfeit, fullness,
2) disrelish n.
յափրուկ (գ.)haproogReseda n.
յելուզակ (գ.)heloozagHighwayman, freebooter, bandit, assassin, thief, brigand, pirate, robber, ruffian n.
յելուզակութիւն (գ.)heloozagootyoonHighway robbery, brigandage, robbery, act of piracy, plundering n.
յեղակարծ (ած.)heGhagarDzUnforeseen, unexpected, unlooked for adj.
յեղակարծ (մկբ.)heGhagarDzUnforeseen, unexpected, unlooked for adj.
յեղաշրջել (բայ)heGhaShrChelTo intervert, to upset, to subvert, to revolution, to overthrow v.
յեղաշրջում (գ.)heGhaShrChoomRevolution, interversion, subversion, transformation, transmutation n.
յեղափոխ (ած.)heGhapoKhChangeable, variable, inconstant, subject to change, mutable, fickle adj.
յեղափոխել (բայ)heGhapoKhelTo revolutionize, to transform, to change, to subvert, to upset, to unsettle v.
յեղափոխութիւն (գ.)heGhapoKhootyoonRevolution, transformation, change, conversion n.
յեղյեղակ (գ.)heGhyeGhagsolstice n.
յեղյեղել (բայ)heGhyeGhelTo repeat over and over, to pass again, to change v.
յեղյեղուկ (ած.)heGhyeGhoogVersatile, variable, fickle, mutable, changeable, inconstant, changing often adj.
յենակ (գ.)henagPivot, support, stay, strut n.
յենակէտ (գ.)henagedPoint of support, fulcrum n.
յենարան (գ.)henaranProp, support, stay, leaning stock, bridge n.
յենիլ (բայ)henilto prop, to rest, to lean against, to be based on, to rely on, to count on, to depend on v.
յենորմ (գ.)henormCounterfort, buttress n.
յենուլ (չբ.)henoolto lean back on
յենում (գ.)henoomleaning n.m.
յեռանդ (մկբ.)heRantThe day before yesterday n.
յեռուլ (բայ)heRoolTo enchase, to mount, to insert, to joint, to fit in, to set, to clamp v.
յեռում (գ.)heRoomsetting, mounting, insertion, embedding, fitting n.
յեսան (գ.)hesanHone, whetstone, strop, sharpening-tool n.
յեսանել (բայ)hesanelTo hone, to sharpen, to whet, to point, to set an edge on v.
յեսանիչ (գ.)hesaniChWhetter, knife grinder, sharpener n.
յեսանիչ (գ.)hesaniCh Whetter, knife grinder, sharpener n.
յեսանող (գ.)hesanoGhWhetter, knife grinder, sharpener n.
յեսանող (գ.)hesanoGh Whetter, knife grinder, sharpener n.
յեսանում (գ.)hesanoomWhetting, sharpening, grinding, setting, repassing, passing again n.
յետ (մկբ.)hedafter, afterwards, back (wards) adv.
յետագայ (ած.)hedakayNext, following, succeeding, posterior, subsequent adj.
յետադաս (ած.)hedatasConsequent n.
յետադասել (բայ)hedataselto postposition v.
յետադարձ (ած.)hedatarTsRetrograde, retrospective, retroactive, retrocessive adj.
յետադարձութիւն (գ.)hedatarTsootyoonRetrogradation, retroversion, regression, retrocession, retroaction, retrogression n.
յետադէմ (ած.)hedatemRetrograde, late, behind hand, retrogressive, reactive adj.
յետադիմական (ած.)hedatimaganReactionary n.
յետադիմական (գ.)hedatimaganReactionary n.
յետադիմել (բայ)hedatimelTo retrocede, to retrograde, to go backward, to go back v.
յետադիմութիւն (գ.)hedatimootyoonRetrogradation, retrogression, apparent backward movement n.
յետադիր (ած.)hedatirsuffixal, postpositional adj.
յետազդեցիկ (ած.)hedazteTsigRetroactive, retrospective adj.
յետահայեաց (ած.)hedahayyaTsRetrospective adj.
յետաձգել (բայ)hedaTskelTo postpone v.
յետաձգում (գ.)hedaTskoomPostponement, delay, retardment n.
յետամնաց (ած.)hedamnaTsIn arrears, behind hand, surviving, inheriting adj.
յետին (ած.)hedinLast, ulterior, posterior, extreme n.
յետինք (գ.)hedinkPosterity n.
յետմիջօրէ (գ.)hedmiChoreafternoon, pm n.
յետնեալ (ած.)hednyal1) In arrears,
2) behindhand adj.
յետնորդ (գ.)hednortdescendant, offspring, scion n.
յետոյ (մկբ.)hedoafter, then, afterwards, after that(mus) Poi adv.
յետոյք (գ.)hedooyk1) Hind, hinderpart, back, fundament, bottom, buttock, breech,
2) arse n.
յետսապահ (ած.)hed’sabahRear guard n.
յետսապահ (գ.)hed’sabahRear guard n.
յերիւրածոյ (ած.)heryooraDzoFalse, untrue, made up adj.
յերիւրանք (գ.)heryoorank1) invention, fabrication, contrivance, fiction, lie, untruth, falsehood, fib, fallacy, delusion,
2) aspersion, slander n.
յերիւրել (բայ)heryoorelTo form, to compose, to make up, to forge, to fabricate, to contrive, to coin v.
յեց (գ.)heTstire frame n.
յեցակէտ (գ.)heTsagedfulcrum, prop, point of support, foothold n.
յեցահող (գ.)heTsahoGhleaning against n.m.
յիմարաբանութիւն (գ.)himarapanootyoonSilliness, foolishness, folly, nonsense, silly discourse n.
յիմարաբար (մկբ.)himaraparFoolishly, madly, dotingly adv.
յիմարաբոյժ (գ.)himarapooyZhalienist n.
յիմարանալ (բայ)himaranalTo become foolish, to be mad, to play the fool v.
յիմարանոց (գ.)himaranoTs1) Madhouse,
2) lunatic asylum n.
յիմարութիւն (գ.)himarootyoon1) Folly, alienation of mind, foolishness, insanity, foolery, idiotism,
2) madness, craziness,
3) fury, intoxication n.
յիշաչար (ած.)hiShaCharRancorous, spiteful, revengeful adj.
յիշաչարութիւն (գ.)hiShaCharootyoonRancour, spite, grudge, ill-will, revengefulness n.
յիշատակ (գ.)hiShadagMemory, remembrance, reminiscence, recollection, memorial, mention n.
յիշատակարան (գ.)hiShadagaranMonument, memoir, commentary n.
յիշատակել (բայ)hiShadagelTo mention, to remember, to memorize, to make mention of, to commemorate, to name, to put in mind v.
յիշատակելի (ած.)hiShadageliMemorable adj.
յիշատակութիւն (գ.)hiShadagootyoonMentioning, commemoration, memory, remembrance, recollection, quotation n.
յիշել (բայ)hiShelTo remember, to call to mind, to remind, to recollect v.
յիշեցնել (բայ)hiSheTs’nelTo recall to mind, to make, to remember, to put in mind, to warn to admonish, to remind v.
յիշեցում (գ.)hiSheTsoomreminder, prompting, mention n.
յիշողութիւն (գ.)hiShoGhootyoonMemory, remembrance n.
յիշոց (գ.)hiShoTsOath, blaspheming, swearing, insuit n.
յիսնակ (գ.)hisnag1) about fifty, fifty,
2) advent n.
յիսնամեակ (գ.)hisnamyagOf jubilee, fifty years old adj.
յիսնամեայ (ած.)hisnamyaFifty years old, of fifty years adj.
յիսնապետ (գ.)hisnabedSergeant major n.
յիսնեակ (գ.)hisnyagFifty, half a hundred adj.
յիսուն (ած.)hisoonFifty adj.
յիսուներորդ (ած.)hisoonerortfiftieth adj.
յիսուսեան (գ.)hisoosianJesuit n.
յիրաւ (մկբ.)hirav Justly, truly, certainly, indeed, in truth, deservedly, in fact adv.
յիրաւի (մկբ.)hiraviJustly, truly, certainly, indeed, in truth, deservedly, in fact adv.
յղանալ (բայ)h’GhanalTo conceive, to become, pregnant, to be with child, to be in the family way v.
յղացում (գ.)h’GhaTsoom1) Conception,
2) apprehension, notion n.
յղացք (գ.)h’GhaTskconcept(ion), idea, notion, formulation n.
յղել (բայ)h’GhelTo send, to forward, to dispatch, to expedite, to address v.
յղի (ած.)h’GhiPregnant, in the family way, enceinte adj.
յղիանալ (բայ)h’GhianalTo run over, to overflow, to be filled, to be glutted, to be satisfied v.
յղկել (բայ)h’GhgelTo polish, to smooth, to gloss, to plane, to file, to burnish, to rough-hew v.
յղկիչ (գ.)h’GhgiChPolisher, planer, moulding, worker, filer, burnisher n.
յղկող (գ.)h’GhgoGh Polisher, planer, moulding, worker, filer, burnisher n.
յղկութիւն (գ.)h’Ghgootyoon Polish, gloss, burnishing, retouche, polishing, abrasion n.
յղկում (գ.)h’GhgoomPolish, gloss, burnishing, retouche, polishing, abrasion n.
յղութիւն (գ.)h’GhootyoonConception, pregnancy n.
յղում (գ.)h’GhoomSending, returning, return n.
յղփանալ (բայ)h’Ghpanal1) to get sated, to get satiated, to get saturated, to get glutted, to get surfeited,
2) to overflow, to flow aver, to brim over v.
յղփասէր (ած.)h’GhpaserGluttonous, glutton, gourmand adj.
յղփացնել (բայ)h’GhpaTs’nelTo glut, to surfeit, to overflow, to fill up, to gorge v.
յղփացում (գ.)h’GhpaTsoomSatiety, repletion n.
յոբելեան (գ.)hopelian1) Jubilee,
2) festivity, rejoicing n.
յոբելեանական (ած.)hopelyanaganjubilant, jubilee adj.
յոբելեար (գ.)hopelyara person of fifty years standing n.
յոգնաբեկ (ած.)hok’napegtoo tired, weary, fatigued, overworked, exhausted, worn out adj.
յոգնախուռն (ած.)hok’naKhooRnMuch crowded, numerous adj.
յոգնած (ած.)hok’naDzWeary, tired, overworked, fatigued, out of beat adj.
յոգնակերտ (ած.)hok’nagerdplural-forming adj.
յոգնակի (ած.)hok’nagi1) plural, numerous,
2) many, in the plural number adj.
յոգնակի (մկբ.)hok’nagiin the plural number adv.
յոգնասպառ (ած.)hok’nasbaRUtterly exhausted adj.
յոգնեցնել (բայ)hok’neTs’nelTo tire, to harass, to wear v.
յոգնեցուցիչ (ած.)hok’neTsooTsiChTiresome, wearisome, fatiguing, toilsome, irksome adj.
յոգնիլ (բայ)hok’nil1) To grow tired, to tire, to be weary,
2) to fatigue, to overwork v.
յոգնութիւն (գ.)hok’nootyoonFatigue, lassitude, weariness n.
յոլով (ած.)holovSeveral, many, a great deal of adj.
յոլով (մկբ.)holovSeveral, many, a great deal of adj.
յոլովաբան (ած.)holovapantalkative, chatty, loquacious, garrulous, chatterbox adj.
յոլովածին (ած.)holovaDzinFecund, fruitful, prolific, copious, fertile adj.
յոլովել (բայ)holovelto augment, to increase, to enlarge, to multiply v.
յոլովեցնել (բայ)holoveTs’nel to augment, to increase, to enlarge, to multiply v.
յոլովիլ (բայ)holovilFecund, fruitful, prolific, copious, fertile adj.
յոխորտ (ած.)hoKhordProud, haughty adj.
յոխորտալ (բայ)hoKhordalTo bully, to bridle up v.
յոխորտանք (գ.)hoKhordankBravado, hectoring, proud look, bluster, boast, vaunt, brag n.
յողդողդ (ած.)hoGhtoGhtInconstant, fickle, versatile, wavering, vacillating, volatile adj.
յողդողդել (բայ)hoGhtoGhtelTo shake, to move, to disturb v.
յողդողդիլ (բայ)hoGhtoGhtilTo be shaken, to be disturbed v.
յոյզ (գ.)hooyz1) Emotion, agitation, trouble, confusion,
2) research, examination n.
յոյլ (գ.)hoylcrowd, mass, multitude, throng, mob n.
յոյն (գ.)hoynGreek n.
յոյս (գ.)hooys1) Hope, expectance, confidence, expectation,
2) longing,
3) trust n.
յոյր (ած.)hoyrBig, bulky, fat, fleshy, obese, plump, chubby adj.
յոպնակ (գ.)hobnagHandcart, wheelbarrow, rhæda n.
յոպոպ (գ.)hobobHoopoe, pewit, lapwing n.
յոռեգոյն (ած.)hoRekooynVery bad, very evil, worse adj.
յոռի (ած.)hoRi1) Evil, bad,
2) wretched, worthless, wicked, dishonest adj.
յովազ (գ.)hovazPanther, puma n.
յովատակ (գ.)hovadag1) Stalion,
2) entire horse n.
յոտնկայս (մկբ.)hodngaysUpright, standing up, risen, on foot adv.
յորալ (բայ)horalTo lament, to mourn, to bewail, to fret, to grieve v.
յորանջ (գ.)horanChYawning, yawn n.
յորանջել (բայ)horanChelTo yawn, to gape v.
յորդ (ած.)hortabundant, copious, plentiful adj.
յորդաբուխ (ած.)hortapooKhtoo, super abundant, plentiful, profuse, copious, overflowing, outpouring adj.
յորդառատ (ած.)hortaRad1) Exuberent, superabundant, very copious,
2) in torrents adj.
յորդեցնել (բայ)horteTs’nelto cause to overflow, to cause to boil, to cause to bubble, to cause to brim, to cause to run over v.
յորդիլ (բայ)hortil1) Exuberent, superabundant, very copious,
2) in torrents adj.
յորդոր (գ.)hortor1) ardent, diligent, eager, desirousnExhortation, advice, counsel,
2) (mus) andante, prompt adj.
յորդորակ (գ.)hortoragHomily, sermon, exhortation, parenesis(mus) Ardente n.
յորդորական (ած.)hortoraganExhortative, encouraging adj.
յորդորել (բայ)hortorelTo exhort, to induce, to incite v.
յորդորում (գ.)hortoroomEncouragement, exhortation n.
յորդութիւն (գ.)hortootyoonabundance, outflow, affluence, overflowing n.
յորդում (գ.)hortoomOverflowing, overrunning, inundation n.
յորժամ (մկբ.)horZham1) When,
2)conj since, as adv.
յորձանք (գ.)horTsankVortex, whirling, eddy, surge n.
յորջորջել (բայ)horChorChelTo call, to name, to entitle v.
յորջորջում (գ.)horChorChoomName, title, denomination n.
յուդա (գ.)hootaJudas, traitor, betrayer n.
յուդա (ած.)hootatreacherous, traitorous adj.
յուդայական (ած.)hootayaganJudaical, Jewish adj.
յուզակ (ած.)hoozag1) Scrutinizer, agitator, seeker,
2) author, inciter n.
յուզակ (գ.)hoozag1) Scrutinizer, agitator, seeker,
2) author, inciter n.
յուզական (ած.)hoozaganagitated, troubled, emotional adj.
յուզականութիւն (գ.)hoozaganootyoonemotiveness, emotionalism, emotivity, emotionality n.
յուզել (բայ)hoozelTo agitate, to move, to stir up, to put in motion, to disturb, to affect, to provoke v.
յուզիլ (բայ)hoozil To be moved, to be touched, roused, to be stirred up, to rise, to swell v.
յուզիչ (ած.)hooziChTouching, moving, affecting, stirring, pathetic adj.
յուզուիլ (բայ)hoozvilTo be moved, to be touched, roused, to be stirred up, to rise, to swell v.
յուզում (գ.)hoozoomemotion, feeling, agitation, restlessness, fidgetiness, commotion, disturbance, excitement, flurry, stir, incitement, trouble, perturbation n.
յուլանալ (բայ)hoolanalTo become slothful, idle, sluggish v.
յուլիս (գ.)hoolisJuly n.
յուլութիւն (գ.)hoolootyoonIdleness, sloth, indolence n.
յուլօրէն (մկբ.)hoolorenTo be moved, to be touched, roused, to be stirred up, to rise, to swell v.
յուղարկ (գ.)hooGharg1) Sending, convoy,
2) funeral, transport n.
յուղարկաւոր (գ.)hooGhargavorattendant, escort, suite, cortege n.
յուղարկաւորութիւն (գ.)hooGhargavorootyoonFuneral procession, funeral, obsequies, burial, funeral train n.
յունաբան (գ.)hoonapanHellenist n.
յունաբանութիւն (գ.)hoonapanootyoonHellenism, grecism n.
յունական (ած.)hoonaganGreek, grecian adj.
յունապ (գ.)hoonabJujube n.
յունապի (գ.)hoonabiIndian jujube, jujube tree n.
յունասէր (ած.)hoonaserLover of Greece, supporter of the greek cause, philhellene adj.
յունասէր (գ.)hoonaserLover of Greece, supporter of the greek cause, philhellene adj.
յունասիրութիւն (գ.)hoonasirootyoonPhilhellenism n.
յունարէն (ած.)hoonarenin Greek adj.
յունարէն (մկբ.)hoonarenin Greek adv.
յունիս (գ.)hoonisJune n.
յունուար (գ.)hoon’varJanuary n.
յուշ (գ.)hooShSouvenir n.
յուշագիր (գ.)hooShakirmemo(randum) n.
յուշագրութիւն (գ.)hooShak’rootyoonMemorabilia n.
յուշամատեան (գ.)hooShamadiancommemorative book, album n.
յուշանուէր (գ.)hooShan’versouvenir, memento, keepsake n.
յուշատետր (գ.)hooShadedrScrapbook n.
յուշատօն (գ.)hooShadonMemorial day n.
յուշարար (գ.)hooShararReminder, monitor(theatr) prompter n.
յուշարարութիւն (գ.)hooShararootyooncuing, prompting n.
յուշարձան (գ.)hooSharTsanMemoria, monument n.
յուշել (բայ)hooShelto cue, to prompt, to remind, to suggest, to counsel, to summon up, to recall, to dictate v.
յուշիկ (մկբ.)hooShigSlowly, softly, easily, gently(mus) Adagio adv.
յուշկապարիկ (գ.)hooShgabarigMermaid, seamaid, onocentaur n.
յուռթի (ած.)hooRtiFecund, fruitful, abundant, prolific adj.
յուռթիանալ (բայ)hooRtianal1) to become fertile, fruitful,
2) to become rich, to become fecund, to become abundant, to become prolific v.
յուռութ (գ.)hooRootEnchantment, charm, talisman, amulet, witchcraft, sorcery, magic n.
յուռութք (գ.)hooRootk Enchantment, charm, talisman, amulet, witchcraft, sorcery, magic n.
յուսաբեկ (ած.)hoosapegHopeless, desperate, disconsolate adj.
յուսաբեր (ած.)hoosaperThat which brings or gives hope adj.
յուսաբեր (գ.)hoosaperThat which brings or gives hope adj.
յուսադրել (բայ)hoosatrelTo give hope, to make hopeful v.
յուսադրիչ (ած.)hoosatriChencouraging, hope-giving, comforting, reassuring, bolstering, heartening adj.
յուսադրութիւն (գ.)hoosatrootyoonEncouragement, the act of giving hope n.
յուսազուրկ (ած.)hoosazoorgdevoid, bereft of hope, promise, hopeless, desperate, disconsolate, discouraged, distressed, despondent, disappointed, despairing, disheartened, disillusioned adj.
յուսալ (բայ)hoosalto (cherish) hope, to expect, to look for, to bank on, to put one's trust in, on v.
յուսալի (ած.)hoosaliHopeful, expectable, full of hope, promising success adj.
յուսալի (ած.)hoosali Hopeful, expectable, full of hope, promising success adj.
յուսալից (ած.)hoosaliTsHopeful, expectable, full of hope, promising success adj.
յուսալից (ած.)hoosaliTs Hopeful, expectable, full of hope, promising success adj.
յուսալքուիլ (բայ)hoosalkvilto despair, to lose hope, to become desperate, disconsolate, discouraged, distressed, despondent v.
յուսալքում (գ.)hoosalkoomDespair n.
յուսախաբ (ած.)hoosaKhapHopeless, desperate, in despair adj.
յուսախաբել (բայ)hoosaKhapelTo deceive, to disappoint, to mislead v.
յուսախաբութիւն (գ.)hoosaKhapootyoonDisappointment, deception n.
յուսախաբուիլ (բայ)hoosaKhapvilTo deceive, to disappoint, to mislead v.
յուսակտուր (ած.)hoosagdoorDisheartened, discouraged, depressed adj.
յուսահատ (ած.)hoosahadHopeless, desperate, in despair adj.
յուսահատական (ած.)hoosahadaganDiscouraging, distressing adj.
յուսահատեցնել (բայ)hoosahadeTs’nelTo cause desperation v.
յուսահատիլ (բայ)hoosahadilTo despair, to despond, to give up all hope, to get discouraged v.
յուսահատութիւն (գ.)hoosahadootyoonDespair, hopelessness, grief, affliction, desperation, despondency n.
յուսահատօրէն (մկբ.)hoosahadorenDesperately adv.
յուսատու (ած.)hoosadooPromising hope, success adj.
յստակ (ած.)h’sdagClear, bright, limpid, pureadv Clearly, distinctly, plainly adj.
յստակամիտ (ած.)h’sdagamid1) Sincere, open-hearted, ingenuous,
2) candid adj.
յստականալ (բայ)h’sdaganalTo clarify, to get clarified v.
յստակատես (ած.)h’sdagadesClear-sighted, discerning, seeing clearly adj.
յստակատեսութիւն (գ.)h’sdagadyesootyoonClairvoyance, clear-sightedness, sharpness, perspicacity n.
յստակացնել (բայ)h’sdagaTs’nelto clarify, to make clear v.
յստակութիւն (գ.)h’sdagootyoonClearness, purity, limpidness, candour, limpidity, cleanness, distinctness n.
յստակօրէն (մկբ.)h’sdagorenClear, bright, limpid, pureadverb Clearly, distinctly, plainly adj.
յօդ (գ.)hotarticle n.
յօդագարութիւն (գ.)hotakarootyoonarthropathy, arthritis n.
յօդակապ (գ.)hotagabBond, joining, conj, ligament n.
յօդատապ (գ.)hotadabarthritis, gout n.
յօդացաւ (գ.)hotaTsavarthralgia, arthrodynia, rheumatism n.
յօդաւոր (ած.)hotavorarticulate, articulated, jointed adj.
յօդաւորել (բայ)hotavorelTo articulate, to join, to combine v.
յօդաւորում (գ.)hotavoroomarticulation, joint, connection, attaching, fastening, combining, agglutination n.
յօդել (բայ)hotelTo articulate, to join, to combine v.
յօդուած (գ.)hot’vaDz1) articulation, joint, construction, paragraph,
2) article, clause n.
յօդուածագիր (գ.)hot’vaDzakira prose composer, writer (articles) n.
յօդուածաշարք (գ.)hot’vaDzaSharkseries of articles n.
յօժար (ած.)hoZharWilling, well disposed, inclined, ready adj.
յօժարաբար (մկբ.)hoZharaparReadily, willingly, gladly, with pleasure, with good will, voluntarily, heartily adv.
յօժարագոյն յօժարակամ (մկբ.)hoZharakooyn hoZharagam Readily, willingly, gladly, with pleasure, with good will, voluntarily, heartily adv.
յօժարամիտ (ած.)hoZharamidWell-disposed, affectioned, good-natured, ready to, eager, ardent adj.
յօժարիլ (բայ)hoZharilTo be willing, to be disposed, to be inclined to, to lean to v.
յօժարութիւն (գ.)hoZharootyoonWillingness, disposition, inclination, propensity, tendency n.
յօնք (գ.)honkEyebrow, brow n.
յօշատել (բայ)hoShadelTo cut to pieces, to pull to pieces, to dismember, to chop, to hew, to hash v.
յօշել (բայ)hoShelTo cut to pieces, to pull to pieces, to dismember, to chop, to hew, to hash v.
յօշոտել (բայ)hoShodelto mangle, to shred, to dismember, to lacerate v.
յօշոտուիլ (բայ)hoShodvilto be mangled, to be shredded, to be dismembered, to be lacerated v.
յօշոտում (գ.)hoShodoommangling, shredding, dismembering, laceration n.
Յօշօտել (բայ)YoShodel To cut to pieces, to pull to pieces, to dismember, to chop, to hew, to hash v.
յօտանել (բայ)hodanel To prune, to lop, to cut down, to curtail v.
յօտել (բայ)hodelTo prune, to lop, to cut down, to curtail v.
յօտոց (գ.)hodoTsGarden knife pruning bill n.
յօտում (գ.)hodoompruning, trimming, lopping n.
յօրանջ (գ.)horanChTo yawn, to gape, to oscitate v.
յօրանջել (բայ)horanChelTo yawn, to gape, to oscitate v.
յօրինել (բայ)horinelTo make, to fashion, to compose, to form, to prepare, to construct, to invent, to organize v.
յօրինող (ած.)horinoGhinventor, fitter, maker, former, composer (of music) adj.
յօրինուածք (գ.)horin’vaDzkDisposition, composition n.
յօրինում (գ.)horinoomMake, making, structure, preparation, construction n.