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"subject:"Armenian language"" sur
This book draws on a detailed corpus analysis of fifth-century historiographical texts to explore the influence of the Iranian languages on the syntax of Armenian.
"subject:"Armenian language"" sur
Die vorliegende Untersuchung stellt einen weiteren markanten Beitrag für die Erforschung eines noch stets vernachlässigten Gebietes dar: der sprachlichen Interaktion innerhalb Anatoliens.
"subject:"Armenian language"" sur
With over 9,000 total entries, this concise, easy-to-use dictionary features eastern Armenian dialect, phonetic pronunciation for each language, and is ideal for the student and traveler.
"subject:"Armenian language"" sur
Translated from the latest Armenian edition of the text (2003), this is a scholarly edition with an introduction, facing-page English translation, and commentary.
"subject:"Armenian language"" sur
These volumes make available a diplomatic text and an English translation, the first ever modern translation, of the Commentary on Genesis preserved in Armenian and attributed to the fourth century poet, Ephrem the Syrian.
"subject:"Armenian language"" sur
This manuscript brings forth the works of many who have examined the Basque language and most particularly, Vahan Sarkisian (1954-2011), a Basqologist, professor and world-renowned academician, who served as a Director of the Chair of ...
"subject:"Armenian language"" sur
Papers covering the history, religion and culture of the Armenian people, from the 10th anniversary conference of the Association Internationale des Etudes Armeniennes held at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London.
"subject:"Armenian language"" sur
Die katechetischen Homilien Theodors von Mopsuestia, eines der grossten Exegeten und Dogmatiker der Alten Kirche, sind nicht im griechischen Original auf uns gekommen, sondern in der Volks- und Literatursprache des christlichen Orients, dem ...
"subject:"Armenian language"" sur
This book provides a guide to Armenian alphabet and pronunciation with 15 chapters explaining essentials of the modern Western Armenian Grammar, together with exercise exemplifying the rules.
"subject:"Armenian language"" sur
Byron's English translations of Armenian texts, historical and biblical; with anonymous Armenian translations of his letters and poetry, accompanied in each case by the original text.