Welcome to the website for Mashtots Dictionary Academy – France, an association to promote Western Armenian
1) Dictionary (Franch-Armenian) of Arts and Sciences and Belle Lettres, by Father Manuel Kachuni, Venice, 1891-92
2) New Dictionary (Franch-Armenian) Illustrated French-Armenian, by Guy de Lusignan, 2 volumes, Paris, 1900 To read the details (in French)
3) Dictionary of Culinary Terms, trilingual: French-Western Armenian-English, second printing, 2015
Dico Machtotz (for mobile phones and tablets)
It is possible to translate words from French into Armenian or from Armenian into French by using iPhone, iPad and Android. The corresponding applications are downloadable for free, with the French transliteration of Armenian words

To consult them directly
Armenian-French and French-Armenian dictionaries;, With Phonetic Transcription; To read the details (in French)
Search Engines Translaters
You can install search engines in your computer’s browser to look for Armenian-French and French-Armenian words directly.
For Firefox - for Internet explorer
Other specialized trilingual dictionaries
Last update